Live @ Rokkibaari, 2009
November 5th, 2009
The previous gig before this was in Vfest, so the circumstances were quite different compared to that. There were roughly the same amount of people in Rokkibaari as there were in Messukeskus during our set. If you’ve ever been to Rokkibaari, then you know that the place was packed.
We were playing with Cardiac Catalyst, what an awesome band they are. You should definitely see them live. The basist alone had more energy than our band combined. At some point I was almost certain that his jugular vein would just break from the pressure. It didn’t, in case you’re wondering. As I said, the place was packed, and the feeling was high (as were probably some members of the audience, too). I guess now is a good time to say that this journal will be quite short, cause frankly I’m all out of jokes. I’ve spent all of them, the bad ones too.
Having played in Rokkibaari earlier, we knew that the volume levels needed some adjustments. The place has really tight decibel limit, but suprisingly we had no trouble with it this time. Just lots and lots of tape on the cymbals and a towel on the snare. The drum sounds were quite good too, concerning the circumstances. So the beginning of the evening was about the basic routines again, set up the stuff and then wait… and wait… and wait some more.
We’re heavy. Yeah, right. Fat chance.
Singing with feeling. And with “slightly” overgrown sideburns.
We played a tango too. I bet I could get in the finals of Tangomarkkinat with this expression.
Sorry, but I can’t offer more pictures. Pretty much all of them are of me surrounded by girls. That’s just my life. In my dreams that is. But yeah, our photographer was stuck behind a wall of girls, so he couldn’t get that many pictures of the band. Or maybe he concentrated on filming the girls. My bet is on the latter.
Last time we were in Rokkibaari we played a cover song (Boys of Summer) and if I remember correctly, the audience bought it like people buy appartments from Diili-Jethro. Well this time we played I Kissed a Girl, and oh boy, based on the reception we probably should switch to cover songs. But, I have to admit that our version is pretty killer. Khm, Youtube, khm. Could it be like the case is with food? Songs made by other people are always better than your own? At least food made by someone else than me is way better than my cookings. However, I have to say that I’ve become fairly good in warming french fries and fishsticks in the oven. I might have a future in some English restaurant. Have to learn to mash beans first, though.
With this much time passed from the gig none of us could remember the setlist, but luckily we have a bootleg video which tells us that:
Stay Silent
This Song Is Not Ready Yet, But We’ll Play It Anyway
It All Went Wrong
I Kissed a Girl
Hmm, what else. Oh yeah, I had compliments for my shoes. I’m a trendsetter. In my dreams. “I’m just a dreamer, I dream my life away.” Gotta go to check The Osbournes from DVD.
Till next time,