Yet another review online
August 14th, 2011 has reviewed PWPIAWOT: “Close, but no cigar.” Click here to read.
Yet another review onlineAugust 14th, 2011 has reviewed PWPIAWOT: “Close, but no cigar.” Click here to read.
Review says: “After ski”August 7th, 2011 Hi, Lammas Zine has reviewed Passion without Patience Is a Waste of Time. Click to read (in Finnish).
First review outMay 4th, 2011 The first review of Passion without Patience Is a Waste of Time is out, read it at (in Finnish).
Spotify, iTunes, Amazon,… you name itApril 6th, 2011 Hey, Passion without Patience Is a Waste of Time is now available in digital music stores, such as iTunes and For all the lazy ones the rescue comes in the form of Spotify. Move your mouse pointer over the following image and click:
‘Passion without Patience Is a Waste of Time’ out now!March 10th, 2011 Hi, The day has finally arrived, the seed we planted a year and a half ago has finally grown! I now have 500 CDs on my living room’s floor, and you can’t imagine how keen I am to get rid of them. Wanna hear it? Buy it. The price is a joke, only 3 euros. Think about it, only 60 cents per song. That’s nothing, in Finland you couldn’t even get 2 liters of gasoline with that. How to order, you say? Check more info from the Music page. If you’re totally broke and can’t afford the CD, just have a little patience, the songs will be online a bit later. Update: -Kari
A new release almost outMarch 3rd, 2011 Hey there! Radio silence has been on for quite a while now, but boy do I have something to tell you! Yet again one of our projects is coming close to an end. We started recording drums back in the fall of 2009, and now it finally seems that we have finished something. The material has been sent to press, and the CDs should be ready within a couple of weeks. We are excited as hell and feel like we’ve taken a step forward both with songs and production-wise. I know this is a cliché, but the heavy parts are heavier, and the soft parts are softer than before. Higher highs, lower lows. The CD, EP, demo, whatever you want to call it, is titled “Passion without Patience Is a Waste of Time” and it contains 5 songs:
2. Resentment Stuck Deep 3. Passion without Patience Is a Waste of Time 4. Repeat 5. Night
Hold your horses just for a little while, soon you’ll be enjoying new material! -Kari
Live @ Klubi, 03.06.2010October 8th, 2010 After a 14 month break from gigging it was time for us to get up on stage again, this time at Klubi, Turku with the always awesome Five Minutes for Myself and another local rock band called Bad King. Or is it wrong to say “up on the stage” if the stage is only about knee high? Though, for Jouni that is high enough (it’s football season and his ankles are in as good a shape as Christiano Ronaldo is good in staying on his feet after any kind of contact). We had to lift him up. As you know, we had drummer related problems, hence the long break in gigging. It seems that with this sort of whimpy and generic poprock it’s kind of hard to keep a drummer. We’re the underground level’s Mamba. Well, not really, we have no roadies to fire. Read on to know who got fired this time.
Discovery channelSeptember 30th, 2010 There has been a remarkable discovery. No, I’m not talking about the 200-year-old beer bottles found from the bottom of the Baltic Sea. For some reason a few of our studio journals (parts 5-7) had gone awol, so to speak, but they have now been found (the events in these writings took place somewhere in the beginning of 2010). I’d like to take this opportunity to share my concern regarding the way I am portrayed in these documents. For instance, an allegation has been made that I would’ve written some messages to inappropriate parties (here). These accusations have no grounds whatsoever. Let it be clear to everyone, that I was writing a gig journal, this one to be exact. I suspect that this denigration is due to envy (I have reason to believe that this has something to do with my impeccable fashion sense, good looks and great personality). Now that we got that thing clear, please do enjoy the journals. -Kari
Live shows, Radio Rock and the sunMay 21st, 2010 Hey ya! The summer has reached Finland, at least for now. While we know you all are torching yourselves out on the beach, it would still be nice if you could surf the Internet for a while. Ever Since The Day is attending the Rockstarba contest by Radio Rock. Last year we made it to the semifinal phase, so this time it’s time to reach higher. Moreover, the song we are attending with is brand new! It’s called Repeat and it is one of the songs recorded last winter and spring. Now we need a mass of votes on the contest web site. So to hear the new song and to vote, click yourself to Radio Rock Rockstarba. Thank you! We are also finishing our way too long break in live shows. On Thursday 3.6. we’ll conquer Klubi in Turku with two great bands, our friends Five Minutes For Myself and Bad King. If you hunger to hear some new ESTD songs live, be sure to get there! Warm summer days to everybody! -Johannes
People want, people getApril 12th, 2010 Greetings my fellow citizens, The time has come to offer you bread and circuses in the form of two acoustic songs. The long-term plan is to make acoustic versions of both old and new songs and publish them every now and then. These two songs were recorded in the fall/winter of 2009, and as we were drummerless at the time, Johannes was promoted to the position (with Cajón as his weapon). A position I envy cause let’s face it, deep down we all want to be drummers, right? Though I’m saying this myself, the versions turned out quite good, Repeat is a piece of perfection. If you do not agree, just pretend you do. The thought of someone not liking the versions is unbearable. Ever Since The Day - There’s No Such Thing as a Free Favour. Please enjoy, I’m begging you! -Kari
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